This Is What It’s Like To Date Someone With Borderline Personality Disorder

You really need to establish your independence from the beginning because trying to get these people into a relationship is often a bad move. Even if you two are hooking up from day 1, this does not mean you lock her down. Squash these feelings of loneliness, bored and love-seeking you have and you’ll begin to respect yourself a lot more.

The more you learn about this disorder, the easier it is to be patient with your partner when they’re experiencing mania. However, caring for a spouse who has this disorder 24/7 can burn anyone out. Don’t wait until you’re about to explode with frustration to take a break. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and you’re able to, go to another room and breathe. Also, try to incorporate self-care into your routine by going for walks, practicing yoga, watching a favorite movie, or doing anything else you enjoy.

Can a person with borderline personality disorder feel love?

Another thing to have in mind is that borderline personality disorder is not permanent. That’s why it’s absolutely vital to seek professional help for your partner’s condition. A strong support network is also vital for people with this type of personality disorders, that includes family members or some kind of affordable online therapy. When you love someone with all your heart, and you both learn to cope with this mental health disorder, you can have a fulfilling and loving relationship.

Placating the borderline and giving them control does not make either partner feel more safe, but the opposite. Problems start to arise, however, when reality sets in. When a person with BPD realizes that their new partner is not faultless, that image of the perfect, idealized soulmate can come crashing down.

They may just have a hard time expressing it or establishing some stability in their relationships. When you love someone who lives with a mental health condition like borderline personality disorder, it can present scenarios you may not be used to. No matter what your early childhood experiences were like, it’s possible to live a healthy, thriving adult life filled with secure, healthy relationships.

Will the Relationship Last?

BPD relationships are so turbulent, among other things, because people with BPD tend to communicate what they are going predominantly non-verbally. Dysfunctional relationship compared to a healthy one. Fear of abandonment compels some individuals with symptoms of BPD to isolate those they love socially. Higher rates of mental illness have been found on the far left.

That doesn’t mean that no-one can, though it depends on the narcissist. Some of the most extreme narcissists are also psychopaths. It might also be that people who are given too much attention as children are more likely to become narcissists. They can also be low-achievers, drifting through careers because they keep falling out with others and don’t knuckle down and work. Narcissists are sometimes high achievers at work.

But if she’s disrespecting you, then ignore her until she changes her behavior. 2) I mentioned a girl that was really after me at my high school reunion a few years ago. The girl was very hot (in fact, she used to be a stripper – my girl had seen a pic of her and went on about how hot she was). My girl asked me why nothing happened with her and I told her that I was married at the time and I wasn’t going to let anything happen. My girl asked me if I had shut the other girl down every time she tried to make a move, and I told her that I did.

How can you care for yourself and your mental health while dating someone with BPD?

Sometimes they can lead to uncomfortable public scenes. The impulsive behavior of a person with BPD may put that person or their partner at risk, too. At the same time, people with BPD are sensitive to abandonment or rejection. Many are hyperfocused on perceived signs that a romantic partner isn’t happy or may leave them.

They can also test relationships and physical health. Suicide rates are high amongst people with BPD and many people with the condition are prone to arguments and accidental injury. The truth is that it is tricky, but by no means impossible, and can be just as functional as any other relationship. Below, we provide a guide to dating someone with borderline personality disorder.

Just remember that falling in love with someone who has BPD doesn’t have to be a scary or intimidating experience. You can negotiate, set boundaries, and be supportive. A partner recently diagnosed with BPD may need that extra support in times of stress. For example, if they’re dealing with paranoid thoughts, let them express concerns. They might need to get everything out of their system. You can learn to separate facts from feelings by telling your partner that your relationship is perfectly healthy and strong.

She decided she hated her therapist but believed from that point on that no other professional could help her. I waisted so much time and lost so much of my life and opportunities and other things from providing for her and letting her live with me for free and trying to get her to go back to school. And didn’t know what a relationship was supposed to look like.


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