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Isn’t it ironic that when 7LCS was airing, there was so little revealed about CS and JW? I had thought JW only get along best with hyungs but bit by bit, we soon learned that JW and CS still kept in touch and has a wonderful friendship. While the day ends and the food development team plans to grab dinner together, Tae-moo joins them. Awkward and taken aback, the team tries to enjoy dinner in the presence of their president as Ha-ri constantly feels uncomfortable.

When you think about it, the important people in your life and the person you become around them really do play a huge role in how you view yourself. And it really makes me understand why Ki-tae would choose to be alone. If the relationships in his life weren’t bringing the best out of himself, which I imagine they weren’t, than it’s only natural he would distance himself from those relationships and find solace alone.

Ki-tae plops down on the other chair beside Jang-mi and takes off his shirt, and Jang-mi stares back and forth from Ki-tae to Se-ah, wondering what the hell she’s doing stuck in between them. She complains that even if it’s a fake wedding, he still left her all alone to do everything and deal with both moms. He says he knows, and that’s why he came. He apologizes sincerely for the hard time she’s had because of him, and for not being there with her. Jang-mi’s mom huffs that she gets now why her daughter was so reluctant to agree to this wedding, and says she’ll have to rethink things too.

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Especially the episode point for this week’s episodes of marriage episode dating dramafever romantis tentang seorang. TvN is really doing a good job with their promo materials, so vibrant and happy with a streak of the funny. I hope the love triangle will be replace quickly with happy friendships vibe. Personally I love contract marriages, I’ve seen both male leads in a drama each, I haven’t seen the female lead anywhere, but I’ll watch it anyway. What I’m saying is, seeing them together is as wierd as seeing Lee Min-ho playing a high schooler, then a recognized architech, then a 28 yo with a PhD, then back to being a high schooler again. What really intrigues me is the dichotomy between the two sets of parents and the damage they’ve clearly done to the leads.

He reminds her of her words at the temple, that she wanted to keep the baby. Hyun-hee admits she didn’t want an abortion, but that she heard that having a conflicted father listen to the baby’s heartbeat could get him to https://yourhookupguide.com/ change his mind. Hoon-dong says it’s not like her to do something like that, but she says that actually, it is. She confesses that she did whatever she could to keep him, but tells him it’s his choice what to do now.

Basically the legal arguments we’ve seen so far seem really stupid and easy to poke holes in. In this case it can get awkward because she thinks he cheated. I hope that situation gets resolved early on or at the very least there’s a good balance with the interactions until she finds out the truth.

She drunkenly admits that she was there just to create a scene, but moans that it became real. Jang-mi doesn’t believe her so Hyun-hee says to ask him herself, and suddenly Hoon-dong is there in a suit holding a bouquet of flowers. He kneels and confesses, but Jang-mi insists that she really doesn’t like him anymore and no, she’s not playing hard to get. She spots Ki-tae’s mother approaching, and shoves Hoon-dong unceremoniously into a dressing room. I agree that both leads really gave their best in their roles…and I’m a real fan of them now.

Early life and education

For being exes they’re shockingly nonchalant about him examining her breasts, but she doesn’t really seem the shy type anyway. Poor thing finally hears the truth and a tear rolls down her cheek. He has to drag her out of his car, and Mom and Aunt arrive just in time to hear them arguing.

Otherwise why even there is doctor-patient confidentiality if someone can reveal it so easily. I do wonder what will be the eventual outcome of their relationship. For the time being I’m open to both, also because there’s a charming enough SML who seems to be a decent enough guy. I hope they don’t bring in some random heroic plot device for the ML to save the day – like if they reveal he divorced her for some self-sacrificial move it’d be pretty irritating. First episode was fun and I enjoyed it. So much chemistry between our leads!

I enjoyed the beginning parts, middle dragged on with the secondary characters I didn’t care about, but ending was quite different and refreshing. I’m especially glad that Ki Tae’s mom finally had enough of Mr. Jerkface and asked for a divorce, the house, and told him to hit the road! I’m also liked it when the Grandma and Aunt commiserated with Ki Tae’s mom and not the dad because they knew how much hurt and suffering she endured over the years. (Although, I would die if that happened to me.) Usually, guests wait until after they get some alcohol in their system before they create a scene at your wedding, but nope, this was all sober.

If they all 6 do not go on holidays together, Jang Mi will not realized her feelings towards Ki Tae. When we live virtually, eventually we cant differentiate between reality and imagination. I watched dramas too much, sometimes i’m too lazy to go back to reality. Continued – I wanted KiTae to take that opportunity to just TALK to JangMi about how they feel and see if they’re on the same page.

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This adds onto my list of most fave dramas. Gonna watch out for the leads from now on, they were fun to watch. Finally the recap I have been waiting for. Satisfying ending to me. been fun reading all the comments, thanks folk. Mom argues back with a wibbly voice that yeah, she’s sick, and so is everyone else here, but the other patients tell them to continue because this is more riveting than a drama (ha). Dad asks haltingly if he can stay with her, but Mom is stubborn and tries to give the bankbook back.


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